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There are national codes, or codes of practice that nominate how earth retaining structures should be designed, but they are few and far between and codes of practice in particular are advisory documents rather than rigid mandatory texts, as are most national codes. People who do design revetments using standard codes might care to keep in mind the comments of Bingham (1996)** when he offered: –

“…Some lose sight that design methods based upon standardized measurements are nothing more than mathematical substitutes for a complex reality. Building Codes are merely a majority-vote version of how we model reality according to today’s best understanding. What we really know is that we can proportion concrete structures based on time-tested methods and the structures nearly always work. None of this is the same as knowing just how the structures work; it is merely a fairly good substitute for knowing. If this were not true it would never be necessary to revise a code”.

Bingham, R.E. (1996) “Calculations Substitute for Actual Knowledge”
Civil engineering. ASCE Jan 1996 Issue.


Mobile: 0412 758 059


Further Reading:

When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down

When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down
Author: Alan Davis