Our Services

Problems we can solve

Alan Davis is the founder and principal of Gold Coast and Brisbane Retaining Walls and has been operating this business for over 40 years. Although Alan and his team specialise in waterfront structures such as revetment walls, boat ramps and rock protection, he also carries out projects away from the water with a broad range of services related to soil retention which includes crib walls, block retaining walls, foundation underpinning and even timber decking. Alan has a reputation for the highest standard of work and the knowledge and experience to ensure a quality outcome.

Further Reading:

When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down

When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down
Author: Alan Davis


The loss of Structural Support particularly on river and canal sites from erosion and background leeching, can be undetectable until movement or failure occurs. Reports from our practical and Engineering experience can be invaluable.


Our barge “Charlotte” is very manoeuvrable for river and canal works and is is able to carry 20 tonnes. Available for daily hire.


We have completed various residential construction projects for our clients across South East Queensland and New South Wales.


We can assess your requirements and if appropriate, remedial works can de done successfully to reduce costs instead of rebuilds.


The majority of larger projects we work on are in consultation with Engineers, to ensure fully compliant and certified results.


We are experts in this type of work with over 1000 sucessfully completed projects, our expertise on river and canal works is from practical experience.

Call us for a quote

0412 758 059